About Kim

Kimberlee (Kim) Carter holds a B.Ed. in Adult Education from Brock University, M.A. in Leadership from the Lang School of Business & Economics, University of Guelph, an Empowered Educator credential from eCampus Ontario and recently completed the Professional Program in Open Education at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Influenced early in her career by education leaders like bell hooks and Stephen Brookfield, caring for students through their education journey is at the core of her practice.

Kim has been in a newly created position of Open Educational Resource Consultant for two years at Conestoga College ITAL. Advancing Open Educational Practices (OEP), creating and developing processes to grow Open Educational Resources (OER) and Open Access (OA) development, and managing the Open Learning team in Library and Learning Services. Kim feels so lucky to have found purposeful work that allows her to pursue a passion for Open Education. Kim is a first-generation learner from a working-class family who relates to some of the barriers preventing people from pursuing higher education. Before this role, she spent 13 years teaching, worked in various front-line health care administration roles in hospitals and co-owned a small business with her partner. To learn more about her professional experiences, visit her LinkedIn page here.

Collaborative published OER projects include  Building a Medical Terminology Foundation. Therapeutic Communications for Health Care Administrators digital text and Therapeutic Communication for Health Care Administrators Game Simulations, Co-Designing OER with Learners: A Replacement to Traditional College Level Assessments, A Project Management Crisis: Moving a Multi-institutional Collaborative Sprint Online, Building a Medical Terminology Foundation 2e, Workbook, and Anatomical Colouring book.

image of Kim Carter
Image of Kim Carter


Please click the button to my reflections on teaching, learning, and open educational practices.



How A Multi-Institutional Collaboration Leveraged Undiscovered Expertise and Sparked Innovation at OpenEd20 with Marie Rutherford. Watch our presentation here.

Co-facilitating the Ontario Extend Curator Module with Holly Ashbourne. Learn more about the Curator Module and the Ontario Extend program here.

Presenting our take of Michelle Pacasky-Brock’s Liquid Syllabus with Lisa Koster and Marie Rutherford at TESS 2020. See our Liquid Syllabus here for the presentation and recording to be posted once available.

Talking Open Education Practices (OEP) and Open Educational Resources (OER) with Jesslyn Wilkinson and Joel Beupre on episode 4 of Timely Talks For College Educators.

In the BC Campus H5P PB Kitchen Webinar hosted by Alan Levine and Clint Lalonde presenting Infusing A Medical Terminology Open Textbook with H5P Interactivity.

Enhance Your Teaching Super Powers with Video Tools a collaborative team presentation at TESS 2019. Inspiration Award for our team that included Lisa Koster, Marie Rutherford, Jelena, and Melinda.

FlipGrid Skits webinar for EdTechOntario ETC Virtual Lunch & Learn (Session 3.3 – October 9, 2019). Co-facilitated with Jesslyn Wilkinson.

Ontario Extend mOOC

Ontario Extend mOOC
In January of 2019 I embarked on a new adventure with eCampus Ontario through the Ontario Extend mOOC. Through this adventure I became an empowered educator and the experience was transformational. I started out thinking I would try one module, finished the entire MOOC and earned my empowered educator badge. Read about my MOOC activities and reflections.

Empowered Educator Badge